
Here are a few WordPress Websites setup and managed for clients

Each of these unique small business Websites were created using WordPress themes chosen by the client. WordPress is used by over 75 million websites and can be customized in a wide variety of ways to fit any individual or small business Website. Clients are invited to choose their own domain name & web hosting provider with the help of my advice, and their own free or paid WordPress theme for their small business Website. I help them set it up and show them how to work with their WordPress website.


Achievement Company, The www.achievecareertargets.com
A career transition services company providing customized supports for mid-career professionals and organizations committed to supporting their employees.

Adventure Captain Travel www.adventurecaptaintravel.com

Mind in Balance Counseling www.mindinbalancecounseling.com

Natalie Malis Coaching
Reworking her Website into a new WordPress website.

Nick Bouwservice www.nickbouwservice.nl

VFit Now www.vfitnow.com
Health & Fitness For Everyone taught by Viv in The Hague.
A selection of hybrid fitness classes for adults and children of all ages.

Small Businesses


Azkua transforms the way your team works so that your business becomes a force for good – purpose-driven and inclusively co-creating. They use a Divi theme website alongside a Divi child theme.

Daria Nashat

A new consulting website focused on teaching resilience, well-being and leadership. Daria supports individuals and teams to unleash their true power and thrive. A Website created using the WordPress theme called “Sydney”.

Daylightly Productions

Photographer in The Netherlands inspired by breathtaking views and vivid colors. Find your favorite pictures on her WordPress website. Shop for your masterpiece in various sizes.

de Regenboog School

A Dutch school in the region of London, UK that teaches in the Dutch language in addition to Dutch and Flemish culture. We proudly help maintain their school’s website.

Feng Shui Design

A multi-language WordPress website focusing on Feng Schui home design. Darina showcases her inspirational business of uplifting & inspiring living spaces on her website.


A mobile friendly Dutch Website that specializes in importing new and used cars to NL.

Ingrid Masselink Andreas

Expat Counselor and Coach website

Insight Republic

A business branding consulting services website for companies worldwide.

Julie’s American Cookies

Online bakery shop website

Lennart Rem Developing Professionals

Team development and training


European issues blogger


Somatics courses

Liduine Bekman (Artist)www.liduinebekman.com
Surrealist representations of fish, crustaceans, coral and more. Long-time resident of Texas and Florida, Liduine Bekman has won been shown extensively in galleries, public exhibition spaces, festivals and competitive exhibitions.

Link to Spainwww.LinkToSpain.com
Margarita offers Spanish lessons, cultural training and translation for businesses and individuals in Zuid Holland – The Netherlands. This SEO, user friendly WordPress website serves as her digital business card.

Niels Van Den Heuvelnielsvandenheuvel.com
Dancer, Choreographer, Model, Teacher and Dreamchaser. I helped Niels upgrade his website with a new WordPress Theme.

Noffi Interior Architecturewww.noffi.nl/
Helped Noffi upgrade and redesign her website. Moved it from a WIX version to a WordPress Website. Noffi’s interior architecture offers​ innovative solutions and has the expertise to guide you step by step with your home or office renovations and refurbishments. They will save you time and mistakes and keep you on budget.

Ports Environmental Network Africa (PENAf) is a transnational-oriented organisation with interest in innovating inclusive interactive arrangements among state, private and societal actors and institutions from sub-national, national, regional and international levels towards the sustainable development of African Ports. Helped them re-create their website and move it to a new Webhost provider.

Petra Fisher LinkedIn Expert www.petrafisher.com
Petra wanted to switch Web host providers. I helped her move her enthusiastic, straight forward, colorful website to one of my favorite hosting services called Green Geeks. Since she had a working Website with a blog and large client base, it was vital that we had zero downtime between the move. Thanks to a great support team at Green Geeks, they helped me make this possible.

Sevenbirds www.sevenbirds.eu
Dagmar wanted a new look & feel for her Website. I helped her update her Website into a new WordPress theme and gave it some updated features. She provided the lovely images and had some great ideas for the layout and color.

Somamsense Massage Therapie www.massagetherapiesomasense.nl
Kim van Brenk offers a variety of massage therapies in North Holland at her studio.

Vividinit www.vividinit.com
It is possible to be both. Sustainable & Stylish. Yes and definitely with Eva. She is a Wardrobe and styling specialist in The Hague. Sign up for her services and workshops to create your unique style and customized wardrobe.

Clubs and Groups

British Club The Haguewww.britishclubofthehague.com
Renovated thei old Website into a new WordPress, SEO, mobile friendly website.

International Women’s Clubwww.iwcthehague.nl

Petroleum Women’s Club – PWC The Hagues – www.pwc-thehague.com
Renovated their old WordPress site into a new, user-friendly, mobile-friendly, responsive, SEO Website with an online membership form and gallery. All of which can be self-maintained by their group.

The Hungry Mind Community Center www.thehungrymind.nl
International Community Activity center serving the Loosduinen, Kijkduin area of The Hague. Their project included a full renovation of their old website, a restructure of their events, activities and posts.

Non-Profit organizations

I volunteer my expertise and time to help these groups with their Websites.

AWC The Hague

American Women’s Club The Haguewww.awcthehague.org
This is a non-profit Women’s organization in Den Haag, run completely by volunteers. I have been a volunteer Webmaster for this organization since 2008. This website over the years has been transformed from a CSS/HTML site, to a PHP and now is a WordPress site. New features are being added regularly for the club.

Scouting Rimboejagers

Scouting De Rimboejagerswww.rimboejagers.nl
I help maintain their Website. This innovative scouting group for boys and girls ages 4 -18 years old. The clubhouse of De Rimboejagers is located in one of the most beautiful places in The Hague: the Ockenburgh estate. A unique location where the scouts will experience their adventures every week, in a wooded environment, and undertake challenging and varied activities.

Sleutelen met Jongeren

Sleutelen met Jongerenwww.sleutelenmetjongeren.nl
The SLJ is a local non-profit organization helping youths gain skills in auto repair and prepare them for the workforce with hands-on experience. As their volunteer webmaster, I helped them update their old WordPress Website into a new mobile friendly, SEO friendly website, with the similar previous design.

Sposa Child

SPOSA Childwww.sposachild.com They had a very old, non-mobile friendly Website for their non-profit organization. I renovated it into a new website that is colorful, easy-to-use, multi-device friendly, and SEO. It also has an online contact form. The results turned out fantastic.